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How to delete Whitehead naturally?

How to delete Whitehead naturally?

The white head is referred to as skin condition or acne form and is due to the morphology of acne due to trapped dirt, dead skin and pores of the skin filled with sebum. Whitehead may appear on any part of the face, such as nose, cheek, forehead, temple. Whitehead is not a skin problem. You can remove white skin naturally from the face. The white head is thin and can not be seen. We recommend top ten family rescue to naturally eliminate the Whitehead:

Baking Soda: First of all, we recommend not to apply baking soda to sensitive skin. Baking soda helps to effectively remove white people. How to use baking soda: -

 - Prepare 1 teaspoon of baking soda and water paste.

 - Apply paste to affected area

 - Repeat this process twice a week.

If you feel irritated, stop using baking soda and let's go to other whitehead removal techniques. It can be tough for many of you.

Take steam: - Removing the Whitehead naturally is a very easy and popular home remedy. Steam loses the hand of the Whitehead and helps to eventually get rid of it from the surface. How to take steam: -

1 Boil some water into a large intestine, cover the face with a towel, and tilt towards the hot intestine from a certain gap.

2 - Clean up for sweat for you and take steam again.

3 You can also scrub and steam simultaneously to get better results. However, a steamship may be necessary for this.

This technology is very good for people with oily skin. For better results, repeat this process once or twice a week.

Oatmeal White Head Removal Scrub: - There are natural exfoliants that are oatmeal. It helps to remove dead skin cells and dirt. Also, open the pores and remove excess oil. It can be mixed with other ingredients to get better results.

How to use oatmeal to naturally remove the whitehead?

1 - Prepare a mixture of lemon juice, honey, oatmeal. Please clean this skin first and apply this paste. Dry this paste. Wipe the face before removing the paste. It effectively removes the white head from the face.

2 If you can not arrange all of these, you can only use the oatmeal scrubber once or twice a week.

Sugar Scrub: - Sugar Scrub helps to exfoliate your skin. Does it remove whiteheads and extra oil without causing drying to use to naturally remove whiteheads in your skin.How?

 - Make a mixture of honey and sugar.

 - Gently place this mixture on your face and leave it for a few minutes.

 - Clean your face.

 - Continue this twice a week.

Lemon juice: - Lemon juice also peels off the skin and helps the generation of cells. Lemon juice helps to remove acne to have a converging nature. Do not apply lemon juice directly to your face. Mix with water and apply this mixture to the face for 15 to 20 minutes. Apply a lemon juice pack three times a week.

Tomato & Lemon - Both are effective agents to remove the Whitehead. Prepare a mixture of tomato and lemon and paint them on your face. Please rinse off your face after drying.

Gram Flower Scrub Gram Flower is an effective Whitehead scrubbing scrub. It naturally removes white jumps gently. Mix gram of powder with lemon and apply the mixture evenly to the face. Now, let me dry. Wet it now, please do some cleaning. Please wash your face thoroughly after washing gently. It will also help in whitening.

Daily skin care tips permanently remove the white head

Clean your face - Clean your face daily with good quality cleanser or toner for each type of skin. I will clean my face twice a day, once in the morning and evening. It helps to clean the pores and prevent accumulation of dust.

Exfoliating & scrubbing - Exfoliation and scrubbing are required to open an inconspicuous pore and remove the white head. In order to open the pores, it is advisable to ingest steam before or during exfoliation.

Peel off the face mask - Many brands are peeling the face mask. Such a mask really helps to get rid of the white head. They remove dust from the pores. The brand that peels off the face mask is natural, VLCC, Himalaya.

Take Makeup - You must remove makeup before going to bed. The make-up closes the pores and causes accumulation of dust which is the main reason for the white head.

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