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DIY Pumpkin Face Masks

DIY Pumpkin Face Masks

In addition to having a very tasty meal in the kitchen, it is rich in pumpkins and nutrients, it can also be an excellent component for a picture of welfare for the face "do it yourself"

Enriched and important enzymes in vitamins A and C can help your skin naturally make healthy and glow. Today we will provide an easy way to make homemade pumpkin face mask, which is of high quality and used in beauty salon.

You have the necessary materials:

2 cups of cooked pumpkin, baked, fresh or canned

4 tablespoons of curd

4 tablespoons honey

1/3 cup bowl of chopped almond bowl

Half a teaspoon of olive oil

Knowledge and Method of Use:

1. Pumpkin Puree.

2. Add curd and mix well, honey, almond and olive oil.

3. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 5-10 minutes, better if you are in a bath or shower because the enzyme is more active with heat.

4. Remove the mask with a clean, dry cloth.

5. Apply a thin layer of moisturizer on your face.

6. You can cover and use the rest of the week within

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